Democratic Convention Opens in Boston - 2004-07-26

Democratic delegates from across the United States are gathering in the city of Boston to formally nominate Senator John Kerry as their candidate for president.

The last Democrat elected to the White House, former President Bill Clinton, takes center stage during the opening night of the Democratic National Convention. He will be introduced by his wife, New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton told NBC's Today Show her attention in Boston is on John Kerry.

"You know I am just delighted to be here," she said. "I am looking forward to speaking and to do my part to try to help people focus on what a strong president John Kerry would be."

Former Vice President Al Gore, the Democrat's candidate four-years ago, and former President Jimmy Carter are also scheduled.

They are to highlight Senator Kerry's record as a war veteran and avoid harsh criticism of President Bush.

The Republican Party meets next month in New York to nominate Mr. Bush for another term.