Strong Aftershocks Rattle Indian, Pakistani Kashmir

More strong aftershocks rattled parts of Indian and Pakistani Kashmir early Wednesday, triggering more landslides in the already devastated region.

Pakistani officials say the tremors of 5.8 and 5.6 magnitude were the strongest since the massive October 8 earthquake that killed more than 40,000 people in Pakistani Kashmir.

India says about 1400 people were killed in its side of the Himalayan region.

The United Nations World Food Program says almost half-a-million earthquake survivors in Pakistan have yet to receive relief supplies.

Tuesday, Pakistani President Musharraf appealed to the international community for more tents to shelter the homeless.

He also offered to open up the military Line of Control in Kashmir - allowing Indian Kashmiris to cross into Pakistan's portion and assist in reconstruction efforts.

India has welcomed the offer. But the two sides have yet to work out procedural details.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.