Jordan: Al-Qaida in Iraq Responsible for Hotel Bombings

King Abdullah II of Jordan has vowed "zero tolerance" toward terrorists, as his government says al-Qaida in Iraq was behind Wednesday's triple suicide attacks that killed 57 people.

The king told the official Petra news agency Saturday that Jordan would not tolerate anyone who distorts Islam to promote violence, and he vowed to bring the perpetrators of the attacks to justice.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Marwan al-Muasher told reporters that three non-Jordanians carried out the Amman hotel bombings. He says no women appear to have been involved in the attacks, disputing a claim attributed to al-Qaida in Iraq that a woman was among four attackers.

Amid reports that the suicide bombers were Iraqis, the king reassured the country's large Iraqi population that Jordan would continue to be a safehaven for them.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and AP.