Evacuations from New Orleans Continue as Troops Deliver Relief Supplies

Hurricane victims continue to be evacuated from New Orleans, after being stranded for days in squalid conditions in the flood-ravaged city.

Evacuations were halted for some hours early Saturday, but later resumed for the thousands of frustrated and weary victims hoping to leave the devastated city. Thousands of people have already been evacuated to temporary shelters in Texas.

Emergency workers say they are continuing to search for residents who are still trapped in attics and on roofs, five days after Hurricane Katrina hit the region. Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown said Saturday there is no way to know how many people still need to be rescued or evacuated, considering the enormity of the area.

Emergency operations also continue in Mississippi and Alabama, both ravaged by the storm.

The Pentagon announced Saturday that 10,000 National Guard troops will join the 30,000 National Guard troops already in the devastated Gulf Coast region.

Friday, a National Guard convoy with food and supplies rolled into New Orleans. Many victims, although extremely grateful, expressed anger that the aid took days to arrive, and that residents were trapped in filth without food as people died around them.

President Bush visited the devastated areas Friday. He later signed a $10.5 billion emergency spending bill, and said more relief will be needed.