Who's Aboard Air Force One to Cuba?

The first family, from left, President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, their daughters Sasha and Malia, and mother-in-law Marian Robinson, fourth from left, walk to board the Air Force One for a trip Havana, Cuba, March 20, 2016.

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle, and the first family, Malia and Sasha Obama and Marian Robinson are aboard Air Force One heading to Cuba.

Members of Congress traveling to Cuba as part of the presidential delegation:

  • Senator Dick Durbin
  • Senator Jeff Flake
  • Senator Dean Heller
  • Senator Heidi Heitkamp
  • Senator Patrick Leahy
  • Senator Amy Klobuchar
  • Senator Tom Udall
  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Representative Karen Bass
  • Representative Xavier Becerra
  • Representative Don Beyer
  • Representative Cheri Bustos
  • Representative Kathy Castor
  • Representative David Cicilline
  • Representative Steve Cohen
  • Representative Suzan DelBene
  • Representative Rosa DeLauro
  • Representative Tom Emmer
  • Representative Eliot Engel
  • Representative Sam Farr
  • Representative Al Green
  • Representative Sheila Jackson Lee
  • Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson
  • Representative Robin Kelly
  • Representative Barbara Lee
  • Representative Alan Lowenthal
  • Representative Jim McGovern
  • Representative Gregory Meeks
  • Representative Seth Moulton
  • Representative Rick Nolan
  • Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi
  • Representative Ed Perlmutter
  • Representative David Price
  • Representative Charlie Rangel
  • Representative Reid Ribble
  • Representative Bobby Rush
  • Representative Mark Sanford
  • Representative Jan Schakowsky
  • Representative Peter Welch

The following are a few of the CEOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs traveling independently to Cuba who will attend the entrepreneurship event in Havana.

  • Jose Andres, chef/entrepreneur, Think Food Group
  • Saul Berenthal, Partner, CleBer
  • Ursula Burns, CEO, Xerox
  • Brian Chesky, president and founder, Air BnB/PAGE
  • Julie Hanna, CEO, Kiva
  • Daymond John, CEO, Fubu
  • Soledad O'Brien, Starfish Media
  • Daniel Schulman, CEO, PayPal
  • Ken Siegel, general counsel, Starwood
  • Arne Sorenson, president and CEO, Marriott
  • Sheel Tyle, New Enterprise Associates