Accused Planned Parenthood Shooter Declares Himself Guilty

Robert Lewis Dear glares at his attorney, Daniel King, during an outburst at his court appearance in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Dec. 9, 2015.

The gunman accused of killing three and wounding nine in a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic last month declared himself guilty in a courtroom outburst Wednesday, calling himself a "warrior for babies."

Fifty-seven-year-old Robert Lewis Dear was formally charged with first-degree murder. His public defender Dan King — the same lawyer who defended Colorado movie theater killer James Holmes — told the judge it is obvious Dear is not mentally competent to stand trial.

Dear said his lawyer "drugged" Holmes and is trying to do the same thing to him.

Police have not publicly talked about Dear's motive, but reports say he muttered the phrase "no more baby parts" after his arrest.

Dear is accused of opening fire inside a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic that provides abortions. He allegedly killed three people, including a university police officer, and wounded nine.

Neighbors describe Dear as an unfriendly recluse who lived alone in a crumbling trailer that had no electricity or running water.

He could face the death penalty if convicted.