South Africa Receives First COVID Vaccine Shipment

Workers load South Africa's first COVID-19 vaccine as they arrive at OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg, Feb. 1, 2021. (Credit: Elmond Jiyane for GCIS/Handout)

On an unusually dreary Johannesburg day, a figurative ray of sunshine: the arrival of the first pallets of coronavirus vaccines that will, in about two weeks, begin making their way into the arms of South Africans.

President Cyril Ramaphosa and other dignitaries stood on the tarmac, masked and under dark umbrellas in the driving rain, as the Emirates flight carrying the first vaccine shipment landed at Johannesburg’s OR Tambo International Airport Monday afternoon. This shipment of the AstraZeneca vaccine was purchased from an Indian manufacturer, officials said.

Ramaphosa did not speak to the public, but in a statement, said, “The scale of delivery is unprecedented in terms of the number of people who have to be reached within a short space of time.”

Family members and volunteers from the Saaberie Chishty Society lower the body of a COVID-19 victim into a grave at the Avalon cemetery in Lenasia, South Africa, Jan. 4, 2021.

The first vaccines, he said, will go to 1.2 million front-line health workers.

South Africa is the continent’s viral hotspot, with 1.4 million confirmed cases since the virus turned up in the country in March. The nation experienced the start of a second wave -- featuring a new variant that is significantly more contagious -- in late December, but the peak of that wave appears to be subsiding. Current vaccines are expected to work on the South African variant, called 501.V2, said the head of the nation’s coronavirus task force, Dr. Salim Abdool Karim.

The rest of the continent is awaiting shipment of about 300 million vaccines. South Africa will now become the fifth African nation to roll out vaccinations, after Morocco, Egypt, the Seychelles and Guinea.

Ramaphosa is expected to address the nation late Monday about its continuing coronavirus precautions and restrictions.