Sudan Welcomes US Decision to Remove Khartoum from Sponsors of Terrorism List 

Sudanese prime minister Abdallah Hamdok says, Dec. 14, 2020, U.S. removal of Sudan from its terrorism list can create a new reality.

Sudan has welcomed the U.S. decision to remove Khartoum from its States Sponsors of Terrorism list, calling it a victory for the 2019 revolution that ousted former President Omar al-Bashir. Analysts say the U.S. removal of the designation Monday will pave the way for Sudan's political and economic recovery.

Sudanese prime minister Abdallah Hamdok addressed the Sudanese in a news conference Monday and says U.S. removal of Sudan from its terrorism list can create a new reality.

Hamdok said taking Sudan from that list is a real game changer that will create a different a new atmosphere in Sudan.

Economists say removing Sudan’s U.S. designation as a state sponsor of terrorism will allow the country to have access to international funds and investment, including the International Monetary Fund, paving the way for Sudan’s economic growth.

Economist Sidgi Kabalo says removing Sudan from US SST List is great and important as it paves the way for Sudan and its government and private sector to have direct deals with all countries not only certain countries or have to deal through mediating countries.

The U.S. designated Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism in 1993 for supporting international terrorist groups, giving safe harbor to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, and involvement in the 1998 twin bombings on U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and an attack on USS Cole in 2000.

Diplomatic ties between the two countries remained turbulent for almost three decades under the rule of Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir.

In October, the U.S. reached a deal with Sudan to remove it from the terror list, after it agreed to pay compensation to victims of the attacks on the U.S. embassies.

Former chief of staff of the U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan, Cameron Hudson, says Sudan’s removal from the U.S. terror list presents a new era for the two countries.

“The announcement of Sudan being remove from the States Sponsor of Terrorism List presents a new chapter in the relations between Sudan and the United States. It opens the door for new investments for new political dialogue and for much deeper relations going forward. It will remove some of the restrictions that have been in place for the past thirty years and really just begins a new chapter,” said Hudson.

Sudan next week is marking the second anniversary of the December 2019 revolution that ousted longtime leader Omar al-Bashir.

The pro-democracy protesters hope to see a democratic change and an economic recovery.