Al-Shabab Pushed Out of Town Near Somali Capital

A Somali government official says troops have overpowered al-Shabab militants and regained control of Qoryoley, a town located about 100 kilometers south of Mogadishu.

Shabelle region deputy governor Abdifitah Haji Abdulle said Somali and African Union troops met heavy resistance from fighters with the al-Qaida-linked group before overpowering them on Saturday.

He told VOA Somali Service that sporadic fighting continued near the town. A resident said the unrest has prompted people living in the town to flee.

In recent weeks, Somali troops and the AU peacekeeping force in Somalia, known has AMISOM, have been conducting an offensive to oust al-Shabab militants from their remaining strongholds.

At one point, the militant group controlled large parts of the country. Security forces have pushed al-Shabab out of major cities, but the group has continued to launch attacks from other regions.

On Tuesday, Somali officials said al-Shabab militants killed 11 government and AU soldiers during an attack in Buloburde, a town about 200 kilometers north of the capital.