Man Drives Car into Gate of Chinese Embassy in Argentina

A police officer checks a car that crashed at the gate of the Chinese embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 22, 2020.

A man accused of ramming his car into the front gate of the Chinese Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Monday night is under arrest.

The incident, which attracted a heavy police response, is under investigation in the Argentine capital.

Police said no-one was hurt, including the 24-year-old Argentine driver.

The Chinese ambassador to Argentina was not at the embassy at the time of the incident.

There are reports the driver was seen on social media saying that he "knows the truth about COVID-19" and needed "help from the Chinese Embassy."

A source at the Foreign Ministry told the French News Agency, AFP, the man drove into the closed gate after he was refused permission speak to officials inside the embassy.

The Buenos Aires Times says unconfirmed reports in local outlets claimed the driver was allegedly looking for political asylum at the Chinese Embassy.