Apple Wins Partial Legal Victory Against Samsung

An iPhone 5 is pictured on display at an Apple Store in Pasadena, California, July 22, 2013.

Apple has won a partial legal victory against its rival, Samsung, the latest development in a global legal battle over smartphones and tablets.

A U.S. trade panel ruled Friday that Samsung had infringed on portions of two Apple patents. However, it also cleared the South Korean company on charges that it had violated four more.

Before the ruling by the U.S. International Trade Commission goes into effect, President Barack Obama's administration has 60 days to decide whether or not to veto it.

Last week, the Obama administration overturned an ITC decision that would have banned some Apple products in the United States for violating Samsung patents. It was the first veto of an ITC ruling since 1987 and South Korea expressed concern about the move.

In a separate battle in U.S. federal court, Samsung was ordered last year to pay Apple $1 billion in damages for patent infringements. A judge later reduced the award.