Attacks in Afghanistan Kill 6 NATO Troops, 10 Civilians

Attacks across Afghanistan killed six NATO troops and at least 10 Afghan civilians Monday.

Afghan officials say four civilians and a NATO soldier were killed in a suicide bomb attack in Kandahar province. The Taliban claimed responsibility.

Hours later, a car bomb exploded outside police headquarters in Kandahar city, killing one civilian and wounding several others.

At least five other Afghans were killed in bombings in the south, while NATO said five other troops were killed in four incidents across Afghanistan.

Also Monday, the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, toured the town of Marjah in Helmand province, where Afghan and international troops are conducting a major offensive against the Taliban.

McChrystal was joined by Afghan Vice President Karim Khalili, Helmand Governor Gulab Mangal and other officials.

Afghan and international troops continue to fortify positions in Marjah. Commanders said the capture of the Taliban-held town is the first step in a broader offensive that will extend to neighboring Kandahar province, the birthplace of the Taliban.

In other developments Monday, Reuters news agency quoted Afghan officials who announced a ban on news coverage showing Taliban attacks.

The officials reportedly said that such images embolden the militants who have carried out attacks around the country.

The move was denounced by Afghan journalism and rights groups, which said it would deprive the public of vital information about the security situation during attacks.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters.