2 Arrested in Mumbai Blasts

A man moves debris during a clean-up operation near the Opera House, one of the sites of Wednesday's triple explosions, in Mumbai, India, July 15, 2011.

An Indian anti-terrorism investigator says Mumbai police have arrested two men involved in the triple blasts that hit India's financial hub last July.

However, the investigator, Rakesh Maria, said Monday the top suspect, Yasin Bhatkal, remains at large. Bhatkal is a leader in the Indian Mujahideen.

Authorities say the back-to-back blasts killed 27 people and wounded more than 100. Two of the blasts occurred in the south of the city near the popular Opera House and famed jewelry market Zaveri Bazaar. The other blast hit the crowded Dadar neighborhood in the center of the city.

Mumbai is no stranger to attacks. In 2008, Pakistan-based militants laid siege to the city, killing 166 people.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.