Artillery Shelling Kills 2 in Yemeni Capital

Yemeni medical officials say artillery shells have slammed into a market in the capital, Sana'a, killing two civilians and wounding at least one other person.

It was not clear who fired the shells at the market on Sana'a's Hayel street on Tuesday. The area has been the scene of fighting in recent weeks between government troops and the forces of rebel General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar.

Elsewhere, a pro-opposition TV station reported troops loyal to President Ali Abdullah Saleh fired artillery shells in Yemen's second largest city, Taiz. The French news agency, AFP, quoted medical sources and residents as saying at least three civilians were wounded.

President Saleh said last week he will not step down as long as General Ahmar and another key rivals retain power and influence in the country. He accused them of hijacking Yemen's nine-month-old pro-democracy uprising in order to force him from office. Saleh returned to Sana'a in late September after a three-month stay in Saudi Arabia to recuperate from a June attack on his palace.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.

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