At a Glance: US National Security Strategy

President Donald Trump speaks on national security, Dec. 18, 2017, in Washington

President Donald Trump Monday unveiled his national security strategy, a blueprint for future military and foreign policy, defense spending, trade negotiations and international cooperation.

The security strategy is built around four pillars:

1. Protecting the homeland

  • Reforming the immigration system and strengthening border control
  • Targeting transnational terrorist groups and crime syndicates at the source
  • Keeping critical infrastructure and digital networks safe
  • Deploying a missile defense system

2. Promoting prosperity

  • Retaliation against “economic aggression”
  • Embracing “energy dominance” by removing obstacles to exploitation of shale and other domestic resources
  • Making America more than self-sufficient in energy, including development of nuclear and other power sources
  • Fighting theft of American intellectual property

3. Peace through strength

  • Rebuild America’s military strength
  • Getting American allies to spend more on defense
  • Ensure the balance of power remains in America’s favor in key regions — the Indo-Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East

4. Advancing American influence

  • Diplomatic and development efforts will focus on protecting U.S. interests, finding economic opportunities for Americans, and challenging competitors
  • Promote free market economies, private sector growth, political stability, and peace
  • Shift away from a reliance on assistance based on grants to approaches that attract private capital