At Least 11 Killed in Yemen Suicide Bombings

Officials in Yemen say two suicide bombers have killed at least 11 people in two separate attacks.

Authorities say the assaults took place Sunday in the southern Abyan province, where security forces have been battling al-Qaida-linked militants.

Officials say one of the bombers detonated his explosives at a tribal checkpoint. Authorities say the other attacker blew himself up in the middle of a tribal gathering.

Militants have taken control of several areas in southern Yemen during the 6-month uprising pressing for President Ali Abdullah Saleh's resignation. Mr. Saleh remains in Saudi Arabia where he is recovering from injuries sustained in a June attack on his presidential compound.

Government forces have been trying to remove the Islamist militants, but have made only modest headway after weeks of fighting and airstrikes.

The United States and Saudi Arabia have expressed concern that the militants will take advantage of Yemen's anti-government unrest to expand their haven in the country and plot attacks against the West.

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