Aung San Suu Kyi Calls for National Reconciliation in 2011

Aung San Suu Kyi walks with her National League for Democracy party members after visiting her mother's tomb on her 22nd death anniversary, Rangoon, Burma, 27 Dec 2010.

Burmese democracy advocate Aung San Suu Kyi is calling on citizens in her country to work toward national reconciliation in the new year.

In a statement Friday, she asked the Burmese people to "struggle together with new strengths, new force and new words" in 2011.

The 65-year-old advocate for democratic reforms in Burma was released after more than seven years of house arrest on November 13. That was just days after the country's military rulers claimed an overwhelming victory in Burma's widely criticized first election in two decades.

She said in the statement that Burmese people need to establish political and social networks to achieve "national reconciliation as well as a truly united spirit."

The United States on Thursday again called for Burma's leaders to free the more than 2,200 political prisoners in the country and engage in talks to promote democracy.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.