Protesters March in Baltimore

Des mutins arrivent aux pourparlers avec le ministre de la Défense de la Côte d’Ivoire, Alain-Richard Donwahi, à Bouaké, 7 janvier 2017.

Protesters call for an end to the curfew in Baltimore, Maryland, May 2, 2015. (R. Muntu/VOA)

Marches rally against police brutality and in support of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland, May 2, 2015. (R. Muntu/VOA)

A man speaks to protesters marching against police brutality and in support of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland, May 2, 2015. (R. Muntu/VOA)

People march under a banner that reads "Stop Racist Police Terror," Baltimore, Maryland, May 2, 2015. (R. Muntu/VOA)

Crowds march against police brutality and in support of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland, May 2, 2015. (R. Muntu/VOA)

Police officers and National Guard troops stand watch as protesters gathers in Baltimore, May 2, 2015.

Protesters gather before a march and rally in Baltimore, May 2, 2015.