Bomb Kills 5 in Northern Nigeria

A bomb has exploded at a bus station in northeastern Nigeria, killing at least five people and wounding 12 others.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast late Wednesday in Azare. The town in Bauchi state that has seen multiple attacks by the militant group Boko Haram in the past six months, targeting banks, police stations and schools.

A police spokesman said the bomb Wednesday left the dead "burned beyond recognition."

A local shopkeeper, Igwe Chimason, told VOA he saw torn clothes on the ground that people said were all that remained of the bomber.

"The person that plant the bomb also died. He died at the spot, at the scene. He wanted to plant the bomb inside the (motor) park. The security in the park chased him outside."

The attack is the latest to hit northern Nigeria since the government announced it had reached a cease-fire deal with Boko Haram last Friday. Officials have blamed the attacks on "fringe" Boko Haram fighters.

Aides to President Goodluck Jonathan have said the sides will hold talks in Chad on the release of 219 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in April. As of Thursday, there was no indication those talks have begun.

Boko Haram has terrorized Nigeria for the last five years as it tries to turn the north of the country into a conservative Islamic state. Bombings, gun attacks, and raids on towns and villages have killed thousands of people.