Bombings Near Iraqi Stadium Kill at Least 10

Iraqi officials say a series of bombings at a sports facility in the predominately Shi'ite Turkmen town of Tal Afar killed at least 10 people Friday.

Investigators say the blasts took place at a field where a crowd had gathered to watch a football match.

Police say an attacker drove a vehicle near the crowd and detonated explosives. They say two other suicide bombers then detonated explosives near spectators.

Authorities say more than 100 people were wounded.

Tal Afar is located in northern Iraq, near the city of Mosul.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.,42.4606&sspn=0.021631,0.033088&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Tal+Afar,+Ninawa,+Iraq&t=h&ll=33.394759,43.989258&spn=8.800661,10.524902&z=6&output=embed