British Newspaper Names Iranian Protester 'Person of Year'

The British newspaper the Times has named an Iranian woman who was killed during Iran's post-election unrest its "person of the year."

The Times said Saturday Neda Agha-Soltan has became the global symbol of the Islamic "regime's brutality, and of the remarkable courage of Iran's opposition in a region where other populations are all too easily suppressed by despotic governments."

Soltan was shot and killed during massive protests following the disputed re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Thousands of opposition supporters took to the streets alleging the June 12 vote was rigged. Soltan's death was captured on video and broadcast throughout the world.

Protesters say she was killed by Iranian security forces during their crack-down on demonstrators.

The Times said Saturday that Soltan helped to inspire an opposition movement in Iran, which a "systematic campaign of arrests, show trials, beatings, torture and security force violence has failed to crush."

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.