Burma Says Defused Bombs Aimed at Disrupting Elections

Burma's military government says insurgent groups trying to disrupt upcoming elections planted explosive devices in an eastern town and in central Rangoon this week.

The state-run New Light of Myanmar newspaper said Saturday that a bomb disposal team was sent to township of Thaton on Wednesday to remove five mines attached to an electric pylon. The paper said one of the mines exploded, blowing off the leg of a soldier.

In another incident, the paper said a citizen reported a suspicious package Thursday on a wooden overpass in the city of Rangoon. The article said soldiers disarmed a time bomb formed with a block of C-4.

The article said insurgents are trying to ramp up destructive acts do disrupt elections on November 7.

The November 7 vote will elect 498 people to a national Parliament and another 664 will be spread among 14 regional legislatures.

Opposition parties say they have not been able to enter as many candidates as they want because of restrictive election laws and high registration fees.

Critics say the election is a sham and that the military shows little sign of giving up control.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.