Another Tibetan Burns Himself to Death in China

Indian police detain Tibetan exiles during a protest outside the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, India, February 16, 2012.

Another Tibetan has burned himself to death in China, even as Chinese authorities in Tibetan areas continue to crack down on anti-government activists ahead of this week's celebration of the Tibetan New Year

Tibetans living in exile in India tell VOA that another Tibetan set himself on fire Sunday at the Zamthang monastery in Ngaba.

They identify the victim as an 18-year-old protesting China's anti-Tibetan policies. About 1,000 people gathered at the monastery late Sunday to plan a hasty funeral before Chinese authorities can remove the body.

A Tibetan monk burned himself to death in Qinghai province on Saturday to protest Chinese police in his monastery.

More than 20 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in the past year to protest what they call Chinese efforts to suppress their religion and culture. Senior Tibetan officials have pleaded with the monks and others to stop burning themselves.

Chinese officials call the self-immolations a form of terrorism. They also accuse the Tibetan spiritual leader in exile, the Dalai Lama, and other foreign groups of encouraging violence against Chinese authorities.

Tibetan exiles also say police arrested Tibetan writer Gangkye Drubpa Kyab from his home in Sichuan province on Wednesday. No other details are available.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.