Clinton Discusses Gaza With Palestinian President Abbas

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas speaks to the media after meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the State Department in Washington, D.C., 11 Jun 2010

The U.S. State Department says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed the situation in the Gaza Strip with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a meeting in Washington Friday.

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said Mr. Abbas proposed to Clinton ways to expand access for people and goods to flow into the Palestinian territory, which is under an Israeli-enforced blockade.

International focus on Gaza intensified last week, when Israeli forces conducted a deadly raid on a ship carrying aid to the territory.

Clinton's meeting with Mr. Abbas follows the Palestinian leader's visit with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House earlier this week.

Clinton also met Friday with Jordan's King Abdullah to discuss regional issues.

In East Jerusalem Friday, Israeli police say border guards shot and killed a Palestinian man after he had driven his car into two guards, injuring them.

A police spokesman says guards opened fire on the man as he tried to flee the scene on foot. It was not clear whether the incident was an accident or a deliberate attack.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.