25 Evacuated from Nursing Home in Argentina after Testing Positive for COVID-19

Health workers evacuate a woman from a nursing home after residents of the facility tested positive for the new coronavirus, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 7, 2020.

Authorities in Argentina evacuated 25 residents from a nursing home in Buenos Aires Thursday night after they tested positive for the coronavirus.

Initial reports indicated none of those taken from the nursing home showed any symptoms.

Five workers at the nursing home also tested positive for the coronavirus.

The director of the nursing home, Blas Rinaudo, said the facility will continue to care for 15 other residents who tested negative for the virus and conduct follow-up tests to check their status.

Meanwhile, people banged pots and pans from their balconies in Buenos Aires on Thursday evening to protest measures the government is taking to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Argentina is heading into its eighth week of lockdown.

The South American nation has 5,371 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 282 deaths.