US, India, Brazil Top COVID Infections List

Health workers and relatives carry the body of a COVID-19 victim for cremation in New Delhi, India, Nov. 19, 2020.

The U.S. continues to top the list of countries with the most COVID-19 infections. The U.S. has 11.7 million cases, followed by India with 9 million infections and Brazil with nearly 6 million cases.

Meanwhile, Mexico has become the fourth country to pass the 100,000 mark of coronavirus deaths. Mexico’s death toll is surpassed only by the U.S., Brazil and India.

The Greek health ministry said the COVID-19 surge in the northern region of the country has forced the ministry “to take over two private clinics and their staff,” according to an Associated Press report.

The ministry said it had asked the private medical centers to open their facilities to the COVID-19 patient caseloads overwhelming public hospitals, but the medical centers and the government failed to come to an agreement.

The ministry appropriated the two clinics in Thessaloniki Friday.

Russia reported a record number of new coronavirus cases Friday – 24,318. More than 6,000 of the cases were in Moscow.

Indian health officials said Friday the country had 45,882 new COVID cases.