Deadly Landslides Hit Southern Peru

An aerial view shows an area affected by a landslide caused by a heavy rains, in Arequipa, Peru Feb. 6, 2023. REUTERS/Oswaldo Charcas

More than a dozen people have been killed by a series of landslides in southern Peru.

Authorities say several others are injured or missing amid the disaster, which was triggered by several days of heavy rains in the region. Several villages were buried under tons of mud and rocks, with the hardest hit area being the Nicolas Valcarcel municipality in Camana province.

The disaster is the latest crisis to hit Peru, which has been plagued by massive protests since the ouster of President Pedro Castillo back in early December. Dozens of people have died and hundreds wounded in the unrest.

SEE ALSO: Crisis-Hit Peru Expands State of Emergency

Some information for this report came from The Associated Press, Reuters, Agence France-Presse.