Deadly Suicide Attack Targets Quetta, Pakistan

Men respond on the scene of an attack in Quetta, Pakistan, Feb. 28, 2018. (A. Gul/VOA)

A suicide bomb attack near Pakistan's southwestern city of Quetta has killed at least four paramilitary soldiers and wounded about eight others.

Officials said the bomber struck a security post of the Frontier Corps force Wednesday night, about 20 kilometers from the capital of Baluchistan province.

The attacker had strapped up to 10 kilograms of explosives around his body.

Earlier in the day, gunmen on motorbike ambushed a vehicle carrying a senior police officer in Quetta and sprayed it with bullets. The attack killed two security guards, but the senior police officer survived.

The outlawed Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for both attacks.

Border clashes

Meanwhile, two Pakistani soldiers were killed in a fresh round of skirmishes with Indian forces in the Bhimber sector of the divided Kashmir region.

A military statement issued late Wednesday said Indian forces initiated the fire across the Line of Control, which separates Pakistani and Indian portions of the Himalayan region. It said that retaliatory fire inflicted "substantial damage" on Indian outposts.

There was no immediate reaction from India.