Ecuador Vice President Sidelined by Presidential Decree

Ecuador's Vice President Jorge Glas gestures while he addresses the National Assembly in Quito, Ecuador, June 21, 2017.

Ecuador's Vice President Jorge Glas was relieved of his duties on Thursday, a day after he questioned government economic figures in his latest clash with President Lenin Moreno, who issued a resolution sidelining Glas.

The resolution, which stopped short of firing Glas, accused him of not being a team player. It did not say how long the suspension of Glas' duties, including his leadership of efforts to repair damage from a 2016 earthquake, would last.

"The loyalty and commitment ... implied in serving the homeland in a unified way has not been properly understood by the vice president," the resolution said.

On Wednesday Glas issued a statement denying and defending himself against corruption allegations. The statement also said Moreno's government had been issuing inaccurate economic data.

"They have perversely manipulated the economic figures," Glas' statement said.