Egypt Bans Iranians From Gaza Aid Convoy

Egypt has given permission for a humanitarian Asian aid convoy to enter the Gaza Strip via a crossing in the Sinai Desert but prevented Iranian activists from passing.

The Egyptian daily Al-Ahram reported on Thursday that 120 people from the Asia to Gaza Caravan were allowed to pass along with $1 million in supplies including medicine and electrical generators.

But 46 activists in the caravan from Iran and Jordan were denied entry along with 10 generators donated by Iran.

The report, confirmed by Iranian media, did not give reasons for the denial.

The caravan was organized by aid groups and trade unions throughout the Middle East and Asia. It traveled some 7000 kilometers from India and consists of 166 people from more than 15 countries, including Iran and India.

Save for occasional humanitarian aid, Gaza remains under an economic blockade from Israel over security breaches.

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