Copts of Cairo's 'Garbage City'

Coptic Christian boys stand on a pile of cardboard in the Cairo area of Manshiyat Naser, or Garbage City, July 18, 2013. (VOA/S. Behn)

A sign advertising tattoo crosses outside St. Simon the Tanner Coptic Christian church is seen on the edge of an area of Cairo called Garbage City July 18, 2013. (VOA/S. Behn)

A truck loaded with garbage driving through the Coptic Christian slum area of Cairo known as Garbage City July 18, 2013. (VOA/S. Behn)

A picture of Jesus is seen in a shop window in the Coptic Christian area of Cairo known as Garbage City July 18, 2013. (VOA/S. Behn)

A boy stands at the entryway to a home in the area of Cairo known as Garbage City, where many of the minority Coptic Christians live, July 18, 2013. (VOA/S. Behn)