Myanmar Police Officer Forcing Resident to Crawl on All Fours

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Eyewitness video shows a police officer forcing a man to crawl on all fours in Myanmar's largest city of Yangon amid an ongoing crackdown by the country's military government.

According to the eyewitness who filmed the interaction, the man was later beaten by police officers after being forced to crawl for some time.

"This is first time I'm seeing this kind of abuse with my own eyes. I feel angry and hopeless," the eyewitness, who wished to remain anonymous, told Reuters.

Military and police have used increasingly violent tactics to suppress demonstrations by supporters of detained elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi, but that has not put off the protests, with crowds out again in several towns Friday.

The total number killed in weeks of unrest has risen to at least 233, according to the latest report and a tally by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners activist group. (REUTERS)