EU: Jerusalem Should Be Shared Capital

Jewish settlements in Jerusalem

The European Union says Jerusalem should be the shared capital of Israel and a future Palestinian state.

The European Union says Jerusalem should be the shared capital of Israel and a future Palestinian state.

A statement issued by EU foreign ministers in Brussels Tuesday did not say whether east Jerusalem should be the capital of a Palestinian state. But it did say the European Commission does not recognize Israel's annexation of the disputed area from Jordan in 1967.

The EU ministers also called on the Israelis and Palestinians to revive peace talks to create a state for each side.

Palestinian officials welcomed the EU statement, while Israel's Foreign Ministry said it ignored the Palestinians' refusal to return to peace talks.

A spokesman for the U.S. State Department said Washington believes Jerusalem should be addressed in the final status of peace negotiations.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says those talks cannot resume until Israel stops building settlements in occupied territories.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.