Conflicting Reports on Health of Ethiopian PM

A view taken on July 16, 2012 shows the entrance of the Clinique Saint-Luc in Brussels.

There are conflicting reports about the health of Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who is reported to be hospitalized in Brussels.

European media Wednesday said the long-time prime minister is in critical condition, but the hospital declined to confirm the reports or to acknowledge his presence.

Government officials said the 57-year-old Meles is not well, but they denied reports he is critically ill.

An official with the Ethiopian Embassy in Kenya, Shawel Eseha, said Meles is "a little bit sick" and "exhausted," but he added that the prime minister will be back at work soon.

He has not been seen in public for at least two weeks.

Rumors of a serious illness have been circulating in Addis Ababa and elsewhere on the continent since Mr. Meles failed to appear at an African Union summit in the capital last week.