Events Highlighting Egyptian President Mubarak's Downfall

With a sign that reads 'No to restoring the former Mubarak regime,' in the background, protesters demonstrate against the results of the first round of Egypt's presidential elections at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 1, 2012.

January 25, 2011: Arab Spring Protests erupt across Egypt. Demonstrators call for an end to President Hosni Mubarak's control over the country.

February 11, 2011: Amid violent demonstrations, Mubarak resigns under pressure, ending three decades in power.

April 13, 2011: Mubarak and his two sons are detained for an investigation of corruption charges and their role in violent reprisals against demonstrators.

August 3, 2011: As his trial begins, Mubarak is brought to court on a stretcher to face charges of economic corruption and illegal killing of protesters. He pleads innocent. If convicted, he could face the death penalty.

November 28, 2011: Egyptians begin casting ballots in the first parliamentary elections since Mubarak was deposed.

May 23, 2012: Egyptians begin casting ballots in an historic presidential election spurred by Mubarak's departure.

June 2, 2012: The verdict in Mubarak's case is scheduled to be announced.

June 16-17, 2012: A presidential runoff election is set between the Islamist Mohamed Morsi and old-guard candidate Ahmed Shafiq.

June 21, 2012: The winner of the presidential runoff is scheduled to be announced.