NATO Targets Tripoli Facility

A plume of smoke rises to the sky after an airstrike in Tripoli, Libya, May 28, 2011

Several huge explosions rocked Tripoli on Saturday as NATO carried out rare, daytime airstrikes.

NATO says it targeted a vehicle storage area in a complex where leader Moammar Gadhafi sometimes lives.

The French news agency (AFP) says white smoke could be seen rising from the blast site. Earlier Saturday, explosions from NATO airstrikes lit up the night sky over Tripoli.

Meanwhile, Russia - Libya's long-time ally - has offered to mediate a deal to help oust Gadhafi.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Gadhafi "should leave." The Russian leader commented Friday at the end of a G8 summit in France, where he also announced that he was sending an envoy to the Libyan rebel stronghold Benghazi. Several Western powers have previously called for Gadhafi's departure.

Earlier Friday, forces loyal to Gadhafi renewed efforts to regain control of rebel-held Misrata, Libya's third largest city. Fierce fighting between the two sides took place in several parts of the city.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.