French Commandos Free Dutch Hostage from al-Qaida in Mali

Dutch former hostage Sjaak Rijke (C) gestures next to two soldiers of the French special forces as he disembarks from a Caracal helicopter after being released, at a French Military airbase in Mali, April 6, 2015. (ECPAD handout photo)

French commandos freed a Dutch hostage from an al-Qaida-linked group in Maili on Monday, more than three years after he was taken captive while on holiday with his wife, French and Dutch officials said.

Sjaak Rijke, a train conductor who was kidnapped in Timbuktu in November 2011, was freed in a pre-dawn raid and has been transferred "safe and sound" to a temporary base in Tessalit, in northeast Mali. His wife had escaped armed gunmen, who took three captives.

French forces killed two militants and captured two others in the operation, said Lieutenant Colonel Michel Sabatier, a spokesman for Barkhane, the French counter-insurgency operation in the region.

Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said Rijke was in good condition considering the circumstances and receiving medical treatment under Dutch supervision. He said he would soon be reunited with his family. In his hometown, Woerden, relieved residents were flying the Dutch flag to mark his release.

"The liberation of Mr. Rijke underscores France's staunch determination to fight armed terrorist groups in the Sahel region as part of the Barkhane operation," the French ministry said in a statement.

"The Netherlands has continuously worked in recent years to bring this hostage-taking to an end," a government statement said. "This is fantastic news for Sjaak and his family."

In November, Rijke's captors, the North African al-Qaida-affiliated group AQIM, issued a video of him along with French national Serge Lazarevic, in which they asked for help from their leaders.

Lazarevic, held captive in the Sahara for three years, was released the following month in exchange for four Islamist militants with ties to al Qaeda in north Africa.

France intervened against al-Qaida-linked militants in its former colony of Mali in January 2013. It has since created Barkhane, a 3,000-strong force to track down Islamist militants across a band of the Sahara desert stretching across five countries from Chad in the east to Mauritania in the west.

Dutch troops have been deployed in Mali as part of security and peacekeeping missions under the aegis of the United Nations.