Galapagos Volcano Eruption Threatens Pink Iguanas

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Officials at Ecuador's Galapagos Islands National Park say a volcano atop one of the islands has erupted, potentially threatening a unique species of iguanas.

The nearly 1.8 kilometer-high Wolf volcano is located on Isabela Island, home to a rich variety of plants and animals typical of the archipelago that helped inspire Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

A statement posted on Twitter by the national park said that while no human populations are threatened by the eruption, the island is home to the only population of pink iguanas in the world.

Ecuador's government was not immediately available for comment on potential harm to the island's ecosystem.

Park officials say the Wolf volcano had been inactive for 33 years.

In April, unusual activity also was reported at the Sierra volcano on the same Isabela island, the archipelago's biggest, where yellow iguanas and giant turtles also live.

The eruption in Ecuador comes on the heels of eruptions in Chile, another South American country located on the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire.