George Clooney Pays Surprise Visit to Devoted UK Fan

U.S. actor George Clooney speaks on stage prior to receiving an Honorary Cesar award during the ceremony of 42nd Cesar Film Awards, at the Salle Pleyel, in Paris, France, Feb. 24, 2017.

Actor George Clooney has startled an 87-year-old fan in Britain by showing up at her assisted living facility with flowers and a card to wish her a happy birthday.

The 55-year-old popped in for a chat and a picture with admirer Pat Adams on Sunday at the Sunrise of Sonning Retirement and Assisted Living Facility in Reading. Linda Jones, a worker there, posted a picture of herself and the beaming pair on Facebook.

Jones wrote: "The lady in the picture, loves George Clooney and mentions everyday how she would love him to meet him, especially as he lives so near to where I work.''

A letter was sent to Clooney asking if he could make a "dream to come true.''

Clooney owns a home near the facility in Berkshire.