GOP Candidates on the Issues

GOP Candidates on the Issues


Immigration: Would build a fence along country's southern border with Mexico and crack down on employers who hire undocumented workers.

China: Would put tariffs on Chinese goods and declare China a currency manipulator.

Mideast: Would make Jerusalem his first foreign stop as president to show U.S. commitment to Israel. Says regime change is necessary in Iran.

Afghanistan: Says he would ensure troop levels were enough to secure gains and complete U.S. mission there. Troops should remain until U.S. commanders say job is done.


Immigration: Wants increased border security; against amnesty for illegal immigrants. Opposes e-verify check on employees immigration status.

China: Says China is more capitalistic than the U.S. and the two countries' relations are on the right track.

Mideast: Would eliminate all U.S. foreign aid, including to Israel. Against U.S.-led Israel-Palestinian peace process and opposes sanctions on Iran.

Afghanistan: Has said he would bring most troops home from foreign posts as quickly as possible.


Immigration: Wants to dispatch drones and move thousands of homeland security workers to border states.

China: Has supported U.S. trade with China but warns of consequences from China holding massive amounts of U.S. debt.

Mideast: Supports regime replacement in Iran. Says Iran’s nuclear program is a symptom of bigger problems.

Afghanistan: Against a sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Immigration: Supports building additional fences along U.S.-Mexican border. Against guest worker programs.

China: Says U.S. has a moral obligation to defeat China’s socialism and would toughen military stance toward China in South China Sea.

Mideast: Wants toughest sanctions yet on Iran and greater U.S. support for Iranian pro-democracy forces.

Afghanistan: Thinks troops should be withdrawn more slowly than President Obama is planning.