Gunmen Kill 5 in Yemen’s Violence-Plagued Aden

Map of Aden, Yemen

Unidentified attackers killed a police officer and four others in Yemen’s temporary capital, Aden, Sunday in a series of attacks targeting security forces there.

The attackers opened fire on a police vehicle carrying Colonel Taha al-Sobeihi in the violence-plagued port city's Mansura district, killing him along with a bodyguard and a female bystander, a security official said, according to the French News agency, AFP.

Al-Qaida and the rival Islamic State group are both active in the city, where jihadists occupy government buildings and are seen patrolling several districts and intimidating civilians.

They have claimed a string of attacks and assassinations in recent months.

Late Saturday, unidentified gunmen killed a soldier in Mansura, a security official told AFP.

The man was a recruit in a new force loyal to President And-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and trained by the Saudi-led coalition, which in March launched a military campaign against rebels who had overrun large swathes of the country.

Hadi last year named Aden as his government’s temporary capital after Iran-backed rebels stormed the capital, Sana’a, in September 2014.