Gunmen Kill 37 in Central Nigerian Villages

Nigeria's military says gunmen have killed 37 people in the latest sectarian violence to hit the country's "Middle Belt" region.

A military spokesman says the gunmen carried out a coordinated, pre-dawn attack on four villages Tuesday morning in Plateau state.

It says they killed 13 people in Katu Kapang, nine in Tul, eight in Daron and seven in Rawuru.

The spokesman, Captain Salisu Mustapha, says the assailants fled when troops arrived. He said the military will do everything it can to find the perpetrators.

There has been no claim of responsibility for the attack.

Plateau state sits on the dividing line between Nigeria's mostly Christian south and its mainly Muslim north.

The area has seen many sectarian clashes, although experts say much of the fighting stems from disputes over politics and resources.

Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram has also carried out attacks in Plateau state.

Human Rights Watch says sectarian violence has killed about 14,000 people since 1999 in Nigeria's Middle Belt.