Haiti in Political Chaos

Demonstrators march through the streets during an anti-government protest in Port-au-Prince, December 5, 2014.

Opposition protests are growing in Haiti, demanding the resignation of President Michel Martelly.

The demonstrations have been sparked by a presidential commission report asking the prime minister to resign in order to form a new consensus government.

After eight days of consultations, the commission Thursday delivered a report recommending Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe step down.

The commission also called for resignations before Christmas of the president of the Supreme Court and the current members of Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council.

President Martelly is expected to address the nation Friday about whether he will implement the recommendations of the commission.

The 11-member panel was appointed by President Martelly on November 28 to resolve a political stalemate that has delayed legislative and municipal elections.

Because no elections have been held, Haiti is facing the prospect that Martelly will have to govern by decree starting next month. The terms of two-thirds of Senate members and the entire lower chamber of Haiti's parliament expire January 12.

Meanwhile, the opposition has announced a demonstration for Friday to coincide with the scheduled visit of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Obama administration and the United Nations have been pressuring Haiti's government to resolve the long-running dispute.