Haiti Lawmakers Reject Second Pick for Prime Minister

Former Haitian Justice Minister Bernard Gousse (file photo)

Haitian lawmakers Tuesday rejected President Michel Martelly's second pick for prime minister.

Lawmakers rejection of Bernard Gousse, a controversial lawyer and former justice minister, delivers a major blow to President Martelly's efforts to get a new government in place nearly three months after taking office.

Sixteen members of the 30-seat Haitian Senate voted against Gousse. The other members refrained from voting.

Mr. Martelly's first pick as prime minister, businessman Daniel-Gerard Rouzier was rejected by the chamber of deputies on June 21.

The political wrangling continues to hamper efforts to rebuild Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake.

President Martelly, a former pop music star, was elected in March with no political experience, and took office in May.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.