Path to Recovery

Path to Recovery

Almost two years after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010, claiming more than 200,000 lives, VOA finds the country hobbling along the path to recovery.

Almost two years after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010, claiming more than 200,000 lives, the country is hobbling along the path to recovery.

A new president, Michel Martelly, took office on May 14. After two attempts to install a new head of government, Prime Minister Garry Conille received parliamentary approval on October 5 - a move many hope will energize reconstruction efforts.

So where does Haiti go from here?

In Haitian cities, VOA's Carolyn Presutti finds varying levels of recovery and anger about the lack of progress.

In Miami, where one of the largest communities of Haitian-Americans reside, VOA's Alex Villarreal finds survivors healing and rebuilding their lives in the U.S.

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