Half of Americans Fear Losing Guns to Background Checks

Shotguns are seen during the East Coast Fine Arms Show in Stamford, Connecticut, Jan. 5, 2013.

A new poll said nearly half of American voters believe the government could use information from universal background checks to confiscate legally-owned guns from citizens.

The latest Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday showed 48 percent of those surveyed said the government could use background check data to confiscate legally-owned guns, while 38 percent said that could not happen.

However, the vast majority of voters polled still supported universal background checks, with 91 percent for and only 8 percent against.

Peter Brown, the polling institute's assistant director, said in a press release Thursday that every Quinnipiac poll since the Connecticut elementary school massacre last year has shown "overwhelming" support for universal background checks, even among gun owners.

On December 14, gunman Adam Lanza killed his mother and went to Newtown, Connecticut's Sandy Hook elementary school, and shot dead 20 students and six adults before taking his own life.