Hell and Hope

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"Hell and Hope" is a program about the lives of Yazidi girls abducted by ISIS terrorists in 2014 from Sinjar province in Iraq. The militants raped, tortured and sold the girls several times while in captivity. Few girls risked their lives to escape, but some of those who succeeded eventually settled in Germany, where they live and work today
"Hell and Hope" is a program about the lives of Yazidi girls abducted by ISIS terrorists in 2014 from Sinjar province in Iraq. The militants raped, tortured and sold the girls several times while in captivity. Few girls risked their lives to escape, but some of those who succeeded eventually settled in Germany, where they live and work today.VOA Producer Amish Srivastava and Correspondent Dakhil Elias traveled to Germany to meet and record the girls' personal stories. Lukman Ahmad of VOA did all the illustrations and paintings. Without these sketches this film wouldn’t have been possible.