Freed US Hiker Meets Ahmadinejad

The American hiker who spent more than 400 days in an Iranian prison met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Friday in New York to plead for the release of her fiancé and friend still jailed in Iran.

Sarah Shourd told ABC News she had prayed in prison for a chance to speak with the Iranian leader.

Shourd, 32, was released last week after being detained in July 2009 in Iran, but had to leave behind her fiancé Shane Bauer and friend Josh Fattal.

Shourd did not release any other details of the meeting with Mr. Ahmadinejad.

Earlier Friday, Shourd told ABC that she spent most of her jail time pacing in her small cell, wringing her hands and waiting for the brief periods each day when she was allowed to see fellow hikers.

Iranian authorities jailed the trio last year on charges of spying after they crossed into Iran through an unmarked border with Iraq. Iranian authorities freed Shourd last week but Bauer and Fattal remain in custody.

Shourd said she would be willing to return to Iran for a trial if it would prove that the trio committed no crime and meant no harm. However, she added she was not ruling "anything in" or "anything out," at this point.

On Sunday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told ABC Shourd's release was a "huge humanitarian gesture," but Bauer and Fattal would have to face Iranian justice.

Shourd told the Associated Press Thursday there were some bright moments during her captivity, including a marriage proposal from Bauer and a surprise cake on her 32nd birthday.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.