Hundreds Rally for Reform in Jordanian Capital

Jordanian protesters shout slogans during a protest following Friday prayers in Amman, March, 11, 2011

Hundreds of Jordanians have taken to the streets of the capital, demanding sweeping political and economic reforms.

The protesters gathered in Amman following Friday prayers. A demonstration has also been reported in at least one other Jordanian city.

Some of the protesters called for the dissolution of Jordan's parliament.

The protests followed new calls by opposition leaders Thursday to relieve King Abdullah of many of his powers and turn Jordan into a constitutional monarchy.

King Abdullah's government has offered some concessions, but Prime Minister Marouf al-Bakhit Thursday rejected the notion of a constitutional monarchy.

Protesters in Jordan have been making their voices heard for nearly two weeks now, and some observers said Friday's turnout was not as big as in days past.

The Associated Press reported some of Jordan's top Muslim religious leaders issued a fatwa - a religious edict - instructing Jordanians not to take part in protests while the government and opposition parties try to hold talks.

The protests in Jordan have been inspired by rallies that brought about regime change in Egypt and Tunisia.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP .

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