(Im)migration News Recap, July 8-14

FILE - Lourdes de Leon is pictured with her son. De Leon was deported back to her native Guatemala in early June, but her son remains in detention in New York.

Editor's note: We wanted a way to keep you updated with the top immigration, migration, and refugee stories every week — the ones that will most affect you, our international readers, viewers and listeners. We want you to know what's happening, why, and how it could impact your life, family or business, so we created a weekly digest of the top original immigration reporting from across VOA. Questions? Tips? Comments? Email the VOA immigration team:

Not without my son

Lourdes de Leon was deported to Guatemala. Her son stayed in U.S. custody. She says federal agents tricked her into leaving without the boy. "I am aware that one commits a crime, entering illegally, but it's more of a crime when they take a son away from you."

When a visa isn't enough

Millions of immigrants to the United States may face problems moving up from the "back of the line" to get their green cards if a proposed rule change expected from the Trump administration goes through this month as planned.

IDs, please

In recent weeks, the U.N. and the government of Bangladesh started the vetting process for hundreds of thousands of refugees living in Cox's Bazar, mostly Rohingyas who fled Myanmar in the last year. It's a step the displaced have to go through to help determine not just if they are who they say they are, but also whether they will qualify for resettlement in a third country.

The Africans propelling Les Bleus

France is headed to the World Cup final on Sunday with a team comprised mostly of first- and second-generation immigrants. But one professor notes that may not be reflective of a bigger social shift in how immigrants are treated in France.

All the camp's a stage

Theater nerds will find a way to be theater nerds, no matter where they are. VOA chatted with Kurdish actors in Syria who found each other again in a refugee camp after being displaced and are doing what they know best: performing to a packed house.